Scottish Household Survey Key Findings

26 0.00 0.24 0.48 0.72 0.96 1.20 Walking alone in my neighbourhood after dark feels FAIRLY OR VERY SAFE A BIT OR VERY UNSAFE Very/Fairly good Very poor Fairly poor 10% 46% 61% 38% 85% 50% 61% of adults who rated their neighbourhood as a very poor place to live felt a bit or very unsafe walking alone after dark in their neighbourhood. 38% of adults who rated their neighbourhood as very poor felt fairly or very safe in this situation. Among adults who rated their neighbourhood as a fairly or very good place to live, 85% felt fairly or very safe walking alone after dark. The proportion of adults reporting to feel a bit or fairly unsafe walking alone after dark was larger among those who had experienced discrimination (25%) or harassment (30%), as opposed to the average of 13% among all adults. Neighbourhoods and Communities of adults who rated their neighbourhood as a very poor place to live felt a bit or very unsafe at home alone at night Among those who rated their neighbourhood as a fairly or very good place to live, this figure was 2% Help Shape Scotland