Scottish Household Survey Analysis

4 Household Characteristics The average number of people in a household in Scotland was 2.2. This remained fairly consistent over all local authorities. Around 108,000 (4%) households in Scotland were single parent households. Single pensioner households (households with only one person who is aged 65 or over), made up 14% of all households. This was around 357,000 households. 115,000 people in Scotland lived in single parent household in the most deprived areas – compared with 33,000 in the least deprived areas The definition of a single parent does not make any distinction between situations where a child has regular contact and/or partly resides with their other parent and a child who solely resides with and is cared for by one parent Around one-in-four (26%) adults lived in a household with at least one child who is either at school, pre- school or not yet at school Estimated Number of Households According to Household Type Single adult Small adult Single pensioner Older smaller Small family Large adult Large family Single parent 505,000 500,000 357,000 343,000 318,000 219,000 128,000 108,000 Help Shape Scotland