Scottish Household Survey Key Findings

43 The proportion of internet users had increased since the questions were first asked in 2007, from 65% to 88% of all adults in 2019. Among older people the proportion of internet users was significantly lower than the Scottish average. Only half of those over 60 in the most deprived areas used the internet, while 83% of those over 60 in the least deprived areas did. Among younger people the difference between area deprivation was smaller, but it was still significant. 96% of those between 16 and 34 in the most deprived areas used the internet, while 100% of those in the least deprived areas did. 0.00 0.22 0.44 0.66 0.88 1.10 Proportion of Internet Users among Adults 20% LEAST DEPRIVED AREAS 20% MOST DEPRIVED AREAS 16-34 Average Over 60 96% 82% 49% 100% 94% 83% The proportion of internet users among those over 60 had increased from 29% in 2007 to 66% in 2019 This sharp increase was seen both in the most and the least deprived areas in Scotland Internet Scottish Household Survey Key findings Help Shape Scotland